Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Me(n)..."

...often go awry. So says (loosely) Robert Burns and so say I.

After work today, I had to attend an hour-long workshop. I left a few minutes early, knowing that I had to go to another "professional developmen experience" from 4-6. Except I couldn't find the directions. Nor could I remember the exact location. So, in my car headed for the general vicinity, I decided that it wasn't worth it and drove home instead. And then worked for the next 4 hours. On what, you say? Well, report cards and lesson plans and grading and all the delightful things that come along with it. The end result? Thank goodness I lost those directions. I pulled myself up out of a pile of work and feel much better about where I am.

There's a blessing in all of this.

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