Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Unknown

To my faithful and regular Ship reader...

my curiousity has gotten the best of me. Who ARE you? Leave me a hint, please??


Anonymous said...

I read you every day from my ship. But you already know who I am.

Maria said...

I KNOW who you are. You're not the one I'm interested in. You DO owe me an email, though!

Are you working on my email, ENS?

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria! It's Lori, your secret SHIP reader is me....When I was a freshmen at SHIP you wrote me letters and stuff through the Catholic church on campus...rem? I'm student-teaching right now and I read your blog to get ideas of what I have to look forward to as a teacher!

Maria said...

Lori! Of course I remember you. I have your name on my AIM still, so I've been keeping tabs on you, too ;)

Happy reading and feel free to drop me a line at

Good luck with your student teaching!

BTW, I also notice that you have found a certain young gentleman. Didn't I tell you it would happen? I married MY college sweetheart ;)