Tuesday, January 29, 2008

1-2-3 Eyes on Me! 1-2-Eyes on You!

Kim tagged me for this, and I need blog fodder, and I can't write much while I'm drinking my wine, so....

Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

My pleasure reading has recently been cut drastically, since I have an average of 6 chapters per week to read for my two grad classes, so I'm going to do this twice, once for a textbook read and once for my current pleasure read:

My pleasure read book is Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult (a new favorite author.)

Hmm...I'm going to adapt this because there aren't 8 sentences on this page. It's the end of a chapter. But the last 3 sentences on the page are...

"I want to marry Katie Fisher," he repeated. "And I will. But you should know something else right now--I was not the father of her baby."

And from Text Information Retrieval Systems by Charles T. Meadow, et al. (HAHA! Y'all are going to love this...)

We all know that it is possible to drive an automobile without knowing the thermodynamics of internal combustion engines. Yet, to be skillful, a river must understand somthing of the limitations of the engine and such phenomena as moisture in fuel lines or the effet of reduced road friction on braking. The benefits of understanding physical structures are that it enables us to

Evaulate retrieval software, whose cost and performance may depend on its physical structures;
Estimate or perhaps just understand the timing of a computer program and why certain functions take so much time (see, e.g. the discussion of left-and truncation in Section 8.2.5; and also Section 7.4.5);
Comprehend the effects of errors, either made by the IRS softwae or in the formulation of a query.
Yeah. If you don't believe me, go ahead and count. That is, indeed, 3 sentences.
Who do I tag? Do five people even READ this?
I tag.... YOU!

1 comment:

herewegoagain said...

I read you!

I was tagged with a similar tag, and my five lines were from the Bible:

Exodus 19:8

Then all the people answered together and said,"All that the Lord has spoken we will do".

It seemed like sort of a good "life verse", so it's taped to the ol' computer. (along with vital dates now passed, important numbers now not needed, and even the RDA of salt for an adult...go figure).

I love reading your blog! I just don't have time to comment often!