Saturday, January 26, 2008


Since Tuesday, The Ship has been hanging out right off the coast, doing nothing but waiting till this coming Tuesday when they were scheduled to do their next exercise before coming home on Wednesday. They've been gone for about a week and a half.

Let me tell you, this is the most frustrating waste of time, both for me and, I imagine, the sailors on board who can literally see home...but not reach it.

Kevin called me Tuesday morning from where they were circling. It was meant to be a cute surprise, to wish me a good day at work, but I think that I may have "ruined" it, because hearing him, and having him close, but not on land, on the Tuesday morning after a long weekend, on the week report cards were due...well, it wasn't so good.

So all week I've been praying for it to storm, so that they would have to come in to port because the weather was so rough. Then, last night, I reluctantly gave up, knowing that they'll never pull in on the weekend.

This morning was a little depressing, facing another weekend of hitting the textbooks. A work situation popped up then too, which will involve me having to speak with law enforcement on Monday (ick). I distracted myself by heading out for a few hours to Target to picke up some household stuff and then to Babies R Us to buy a few things for a friend who is about to pop (Sidenote: When I typed Babies R Us into my new GPS system, it promptly found the one closest by and then announced in a pleasant tone, "Destination: Babies R United States" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

It finally got to the point this afternoon, where I knew that I had to get my act together and hit the books. I'd barely started, when my phone rang, from Kevin's cell. I didn't think much of it, as this happened on Tuesday too, and I certainly wasn't going to let myself get hopeful again. Besides, it's the weekend.

Except that he's in port, the weather is too bad off the coast. Do I want to go to dinner tonight?

It was 7 years ago, almost to the hour, that we met for the first time.

Who says prayers aren't answered?


Kim @ Kim and Mikey said...

Awww....I am so happy for both of you!

Kim @ Kim and Mikey said...

You've been tagged by me for the "Page 123" meme. See my post for 1/29/08 on my blog for what to do next.