The movers arrive on Thursday. We'll be leaving this:

And on July 1st, we'll move into this:

I'm not sure how I feel about all this yet. On the one hand, I'm looking forward to the change. We've lived here for fourh years and loved it, but we had gotten to the point where we had outgrown our apartment and the neighbors who live around us (mainly the guy who has the bass turned up so loud that the walls vibrate). On the other hand, as much as I love the house (I'll post more pictures when it's officially ours and not someone else's), it's alot of house and I don't know what to do with all of it. It actually makes me a little nervous.
I've got "last dates" lined up this week. Dinner and SATC tonight. Another dinner on Wednesday night. I hate saying goodbye to people so it's alot of "I'll be back to visit."
It's a charmer. Do make sure your man carries you over the threshhold.
I susupect you can fill it with the pitter patter of little...paws?
d'oh! 'suspect'
If we're lucky (and blessed), they'll be paws of the bipedal variety. But who knows?
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